By Listervelt Middleton
Look around you black child
Your creation is everywhere
Though painted, distorted and
given new names
They bear your prints
just the same
so sharpen your eyes and
tune your ear
so you'll know what you see
understand what you hear
You were the first to write
the first to read
humanity sprang from
your black seed
for 110,000 years
you were here alone and
then the caucasion man was born
behind the ice
inside the cold
a chill set in this new mans soul
other minds have been credited
with the things they learned from you Newton,
Pyagoras, Kepler and Galilo too so
sharpen your eyes and
tune your ear
so you know what you see
understand at you hear
you made the serpent
the the symbol of the healing arts and african justice
goddes maat
who weighed herself
against the african soul,
truth and justice blindfold,
the george washington monument
is yours too
a copy of the egyptian tekenu
a symbol of
the black world's powers of creation
the black man's penis
means devine procreation
the king of southern egypt
wore a white crown
keep listening and
you will catch your mouth
when you learn that
the central government in egypt
was known as the white house
sharpen your eyes and
tune your ear
so you'll know what you see
understand what you hear
your god osiris
was restored to life
long before buddah
long before christ
and today what you call
the madonna and child is but
the first black family
worshipped along the Nile and
when you feel the spirit
the holy ghost
you should know that it started at
where god osiris' body was laid
the holy land
where africans prayed
minute by minute
hour by hour
as you lose your history
you lose your power
so sharpen your eyes
and tune your ear
so you'll know what you see
understand what you hear.
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